Sunday, April 25, 2010

I need help with Windows Live Messenger and AVG!!!!?

I have just started using AVG and when I am on Windows Live Messenger and someone sends me a pic or music it tells me my antivirus settings are wrong.... Does anybody know what I should have??? at the moment it is set to 'C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avg.exe' but it tells me that is wrong... HELP me someone!!!!!

I need help with Windows Live Messenger and AVG!!!!?windows defender

Try the following:

"C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avgw.exe" It works for me, but unfortunately opens a window.

I need help with Windows Live Messenger and AVG!!!!?windows updates internet explorer

when you at the file transfer part in the messenger, you will have to have

'C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avsacn.exe

or something similar.... what i mean it its the actual part in your virus program that scans the viruses not just the folder that the anti-virus is in... i.e. here's what mine has

"C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\Rtvscan.exe"

As you can see it has the anti-virus there but it also has the actual part of the program that scans for viruses... so when you change it just go through a few of the programs that are actually in the AVG folder and see if that works
This is definitly a corrput file. OR it is a virus trying to make you change your settings to allow it in. Follow these help lines and it should work. (PLEASE NOTE AVG is a free anti virus which does not protect against every virus and it's anti virus updates do not give you full protection it will mark some system files as viruses and destory them damaging your ram. NOTE ENDS.) Ok:

Step 1: Go to my computer icon%26gt; Right click and chose propities%26gt; Go to system restore tab %26gt; Chose turn off system restore.

Step 2: Restart you computer/Notebook and hold down F8 to start in safe mode. Then destory the file your friend sent you and do a full scan with AVG.

Step 3: Go out and buy Norton Internet security 2007.

Step 4: Go home and uninstall AVG and then install Norton. This was for if it's a virus

If corrput file.

Step 1: Go to my computer Icon and double click.

Step 2: Go to the hard drive your on and right click chose propities.

Step 3: Go to tools and check for errors.

Step 4: Repeat steps. 3 and 4 in previous section.

Hope this helps :)

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